Saturday, November 9, 2013

A walk to my birthplace Day 3 (12Kms)

I could not walk in the morning so decided to do my 4 Kms in the evening.  I am so excited with this project (A walk to my birthplace) that while driving back home, I already started thinking about what to write. Couple of things came to my mind and all of a sudden I felt – ‘hey this is cheating. I had decided to write on the thoughts that come to my mind while walking’!!

The idea of linking writing to my daily walk was rooted in spontaneity and the sheer joy associated with it. Then, why am I getting tempted to deviate from it? And that too,  just on the third day? …. The reason seemed obvious – I got some great response on the initial write-ups and the very fact that so many people started reading it, was exciting. I guess I was getting drawn more towards ‘playing for the gallery’. I am pretty sure that if I drift more towards this direction, I will soon lose the joy of writing and maybe there would not be any joy in reading it either.

But what’s wrong in playing to the gallery? Finally, if so many people do not read and comment on my writing, would I still be motivated to keep writing and more importantly keep walking? I am not sure!

Perhaps the competitive world we grow in makes us addicted to the adulation too much too early. We are then in a hurry to take control of setting the direction rather than letting things evolve by focusing on the basic purpose … Letting things evolve does not mean fatalism. It just means living in every moment and getting guided on way forward by the experience of that moment….. I just finished a 7000 Km driving expedition to Leh with my family. Journey took us six days just to reach Leh. We passed through highways, desert, mountains and valleys. Journey itself was a destination as unknown terrains unfolded in front of us. By the time we reached Leh, we were so content that it did not bother us that we could not visit couple of famous tourist spots …. May be the goal I am trying to achieve is getting more and more comfortable with spontaneity and it has got nothing to do with either walking or writing ….. Too many questions without clear answers …. But in the end decided to just stick to the basics and write what was on mind today …. Tomorrow is another day!

1 comment:

  1. 'playing to the gallery' but what if the 'gallery' is internalized... !!!
