Saturday, November 16, 2013

A walk to my birthplace Day 11 (50 Km covered so far)

I hit half century of distance on my path to cover 240 Km – glad that did not miss my walk even during the business travel.

Today the story of SJ came to my mind. Initials are of real person and the reason for not revealing the name will be obvious as you read rest of this piece.

During the initial period of my career in early 90’s I worked with a small software company as a head of HR. Though small, I had an opportunity to work with some great people who were passionate about their work. We had started an Enterprise Applications Group and those were the early days of ERP in India. This division was headed by Mr Mani – one of the finest gentlemen I have ever worked with.

One day Mr Mani called me to his cabin. He looked worried. “Yogesh, do me a favor. I heard SJ is not well. He has come to Mumbai from a remote place and may not know anybody. Can you do something – not as your official duty but could you please look after him?” “Don’t worry Mr Mani. I will take care”. I took a cab and went to Lower Parel (part of old Mumbai) where SJ stayed. When I went there I realized how right Mani was! SJ had rented a room in a dingy two room house and was lying in the inside room. His younger brother who worked as office boy in New Mumbai (far off from Parel) was with him. Doctor had asked SJ not to eat out for some days. Looking at the overall scene, I went out to buy some grocery and gave it to his brother so that he could cook for SJ. “But I can be here only till Sunday: his brother said. “Don’t worry – we will figure out something”.

Monday onwards, my wife made two lunchboxes one for me and other for SJ – she used to cook separate food for SJ so that it can suite him. I cajoled our CFO to send his driver to send the lunchbox to SJ. This went on for a few days and soon SJ was well. While I waited for him to come back one day I got the news that SJ has left the company to join somewhere so that he could go abroad. Gone was he with my lunchbox and I must admit that the incident left me with some bitter feelings. I had not done anything for SJ as an HR person but only as a fellow human being. I felt let down personally. He could have at least informed me and of course might have been courteous enough to return my lunch box!

This happened years back and somehow I could never forget this story. I felt stupid to repose trust in someone who was not trustworthy. But of late, I have started to see other side of the story. SJ had come from a remote place. He had come to the IT industry by hard work and may be make money by going abroad … He was not communicative. When the opportunity presented to go abroad he could have felt guilty to come to me and leave the company! So must have chosen the easy way of just going away!!

I don’t know which version is true. But realized that it is good t revisit your stories as time passes and you may learn something new. One thing for sure – I don’t feel bitter towards SJ – hope he is doing great wherever he is!!

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