Saturday, November 23, 2013

A walk to my Birthplace - Day 17 (71 Km covered so far)

I am undergoing a training program to be a coach. It is pretty interesting to attend 10-hours classroom session after ages. Today something interesting happened in the class. We were all asked to describe ourselves using a metaphor. Today’s walk is all about what popped up in my mind instantly.

I spontaneously responded – “Elephant”. Why elephant??

First of all it is an animal with strong affiliation to its family.

 Elephants are known as big animals but elephant’s trunk is the most sensitive muscle combination that can pick up even the pin. Elephant is an odd combination of roughness and sensitivity.

Elephants generally are good when left on their own and actually indulge in themselves in their own way.

Elephants are known to have a great memory – they do not forget and forgive easily.

Generally easy going animals, elephants can be supremely agile once they are behind something.

It is interesting how elephant is tamed. When a wild elephant is captured, it is tied by the chain and firmly tied to the peg so that it cannot move. Later on, whenever elephant has just chain attached to its leg, it remains stationary even though not tied down by anyone! May be due to its memory elephant can also carry a lot of unnecessary baggage and actually can feel bogged down where there is no need!

Most importantly elephant is an extremely private animal when it comes to grief. Elephant does not share grief easily. It is said that when elephant comes to end of life, it goes away on its own and meets the end quietly!

May be this is me or my own perception about me. What is your metaphor?

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