Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A walk to my birthplace - Day 0

Right from my childhood I have never been very fond of any form of exercise. In fact as a child I was fairly obese and never a sportsman. I was always more into theatre, elocution and anything that took me to the stage!

Life went on and I kept fooling myself that I am tall ( 6Ft 3) and so do not look really obese till one day at the age of 37 the weighing scale showed reading in excess of 100 Kg! That was a wake-up call. I was little disturbed not only because of weight but there was something else. My son was just born. Though I was financially much better off compared to the time when my daughter was born, I felt something amiss. You can bring any number of gifts for your child but what every child deserves is hi-energy parents – that was it! In next 4 months I managed to lose 14 Kgs with help of disciplined regime of diet and lot of walking/jogging.
Some years went by and I realized that I was getting back to my normal. Yes – as I am 43 now, I have started putting on weight again. I also realize that not being an athlete or sports person or even a fitness freak, I always need some external motivation. I am also not much into Gym – all the Gyms in the surrounding area can stand testimony of my generosity of donating money regularly without using any services.

The only form of exercise that I enjoy is walking. My natural inclination being stage, I decided to set a stage for myself to perform. By the way not only with my physical fitness, I am also currently struggling with my writing fitness. I decided to combine the two needs and thus came the idea of “A walk to my birthplace”.  It’s simple – I currently stay in the city of Pune and I was born in Kolhapur. Kolhapur is about 240 Km from where I stay. So I decided that I will walk everyday about 4 to 5 Km and walk 240 Km in the balance of 2013 – gives me around 56 days to do that. “A walk to my birthplace” is also a  metaphor. A rigorous walk is also the time when mind is in the best condition. So, as I walk to my birthplace I will go on discovering myself – bare open all my thoughts, inhibitions, apprehensions and also beliefs! Hopefully as I enjoy my walks, you will enjoy reading “A walk to my birthplace”


  1. V encouraging. I would love to read this blog regularly. Vaidehi amogh nawathe

    1. Thank you Vaidehi - look forward to your comments :-)

  2. Yogesh....good thoughts..articulated even better...! The only form of fitness I enjoy is playing competitive sports...keeps me motivated and going in life...brings more energy...unfotunately got slowed down during this summer when I fractured my ankle while playing a cricket match...hopefully will be back soon..!

  3. Thank you Manoj. You are right - we all have to figure out our motivators. All the best for you future games and hope you will be back on the field soon.

  4. After a long gap...Interesting way to keep the motivation on..Cheers!
    Happy walking and blogging :)
