Friday, January 3, 2014

A walk to my birthplace Day 57 (175 Km covered so far)

I met a friend today who has decided to settle down in Japan. His company recently decided to close down Japan operations but he decided to continue. When I met him, he looked pretty calm despite the need to search for a new job as quickly as possible.

We got talking about the country in general. He told me an interesting story. He went to the local government office to change his medical insurance from company’s scheme to that of Government scheme. He met the concerned official and told him about his need. The government official made him comfortable. He was concerned about my friend being an expat with no job in hand at the moment. The official explained him the whole process and ensured that my friend got medical insurance cards in 15 minutes!! That itself would have been a great story but the official did not stop there. He told him about how to make best use of the scheme and about various other options. Then he also sat down with my friend and gave him details about which government agency to contact for unemployment benefits! Nowhere during the conversation, my friend felt any ‘sympathy’. It was respectful information sharing without being judgmental or inquisitive about the past. It was just a pure compassion coupled with efficiency!

My friend was touched. It was heartening to see compassion shown by someone who was least expected to show it. It nudged my friend to think positively about his situation and more importantly strengthened his resolve to stay in the country.

It actually does not cost anything to be more compassionate even when you do a routine job. How many times do we really practice it with people around us?

World will be a better place if we realize that our compassion creates courage in someone. It ignites hope and an ignited mind always looks for solutions far more effectively. That’s all the help that is needed most of the times!!

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