Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Walk to my Birthplace - Day 1 (4 Km)

It is pretty interesting to start this project as I walk a little distance to cover 240 km in the year 2013. I walked my standard route of 4 Kms today. I wondered what is so special about walking that I love it so much. Well, I don’t know the reason but history of my walking dates pretty long back well into my early childhood.

I was around 5 years old and was enrolled in Sr Kindergarten  in one of the reputed schools in Mumbai. Only problem was the distance to that school. My father had bought the house in the suburb of Vile Parle but we were yet to shift there. At that point of time we used to stay in Andheri – a suburb next to Vile Parle. Distance to the school was roughly 2-2 ½ Km. The only mode of travel was walking to the school! My mother used to be busy with my younger brother who was not even 2 years old, so there was a maid appointed to drop me to school. My first clear memories of childhood are about that road to the school which I used to walk every day. It used to be a pure joy walking on that route. For almost half the distance the road used to be a dirt track and then one had to cross the railway-crossing. My mother had given clear instructions to the maid about not walking across the railway-crossing unless the gate was opened to walk. That was an accident zone and quite a few had lost their lives trying to walk across the railway lines without waiting for the gates to open. I always enjoyed standing there – sometimes almost 5-10 minutes and watch the trains go by.

I used to be drenched in sweat by the time I reached school. So, the maid used to carry an extra shirt for me to change once we reached the school. I used get a little irritated with the ritual of changing my shirt on school premises but never had any choice. Years later my mother told me that this ritual was to be followed for her to know that I had reached school safely! The logic of it can be argued but as I look by I can really feel the agony my mother must have felt that time.  It was her own way of calming her mind in those anxious moments as her little son walked to school every day crossing railway line with a maid!

It is strange how un-knowingly you adopt your parent’s behaviors. Today whenever my kids go to school/college I like to stand by and see them off as long as they are in sight! It’s a butt of joke in the family, especially with my wife as she does not get the logic (of course if there is any!).  

As I walked that distance every day in my childhood, my mother used to pray for my well-being and safety. I believe that my mother prays for me and blesses me every time I walk a distance!!

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