Saturday, November 23, 2013

A walk to my Birthplace - Day 18 (75 Km covered so far)

I think I have bragged enough about my driving skills multiple times. But, here is a story that is little different than my normal brag stories.

I was driving up the Zoji-La (La=pass) on the way to Leh. Zoji-La is a narrow strip of dirt road that winds up the mountain without any protection on the side of a deep valley. It is  high altitude drive where you drive at around 12000 ft above the sea level (The highest point on the road is Fotu-La which is approximately 14000 Ft).

This was the first time I was driving in such high altitude. I had my family with me and I drove my SUV extremely carefully. At one point I stopped by, to give side to the other vehicles. As I started again up the slope, my vehicle started sliding down. I pushed the paddle to no effect. It was pretty scary to slide back on that slope but finally the vehicle was stopped.

A young Kashmiri driver riding his rickety utility vehicle watched this whole episode. He came to me and said “Sir, drive it with gentle care – don’t press the paddle. Your vehicle will easily climb! If it does not-I will drive it myself. Don’t worry”. I prayed to the god and started again following his instruction – this time driving at ease and pushing the paddle gently – it worked!

At high altitude, there is less oxygen. If you push the paddle, you just flood the engine with not much oxygen available for combustion – you have to push the paddle carefully – just enough for vehicle to climb easily.

There is always less oxygen at the top! This applies to the corporate careers as well. As we climb up, the terrain changes. It is no longer only about pushing the paddle – but to also ensure that you have enough oxygen to go ahead!

As one goes up the corporate ladder, one has to ensure that you maintain your oxygen. This oxygen is your support system in terms of relationships – in and out of workplace, your friends and your hobbies. If you just keep pushing the paddle, you do not give time for the oxygen to act effectively and mind eventually gets flooded with stress. It is the same stress which has kept you on toes and got you to compete and reach certain height. But if it floods your mind – slide may start! Be careful – as the terrain changes – what got you here may not take you further!

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